Partner With Us

When you decide to partner with us you assist with our weekly radio broadcast on AMMRadio

That reaches over 72,000 listeners weekly. Your valuable contribution helps us create our books, newsletters and other life changing content for our website and mailing list worldwide.

Every dollar that is collected allows us to practically minister to others in our neigborhood, cities, regions and now virtually worldwide. Thank you.

We would like everyone to be a part of this covenant arrangement, so we have developed levels of partnership to suit your budgets and desires.

Associates  ($20 per month)

Receive communications and a special 5% off on all  ministry books that are on sale.

Special invitations to our outreaches and virtual programs 

Monthly newsletter and other digital outreach material

Preferred seating at our in-person events

Prayer for your needs


Friends ($50 per month)

Receive communications and a special 10% off on all  ministry books that are on sale.

Special invitations to our outreaches and virtual programs 

Monthly newsletter and other digital outreach material

Preferred seating at our in-person events

Prayer for your needs

Monthly call to check on their needs and progress 

Family ($100 per month)

Receive communications and a special 15% off on all  ministry books that are on sale.

Special invitations to our outreaches and virtual programs 

Monthly newsletter and other digital outreach material

Preferred seating at our in-person events

Prayer for your needs

2 Monthly calls to check on their needs and progress

Private virtual counseling when needed