AM Palmer Ministries


Within AM Palmer Ministries, outreach will be a major part of what we do. To go out and find the people where they are and meet those needs as Jesus did. Through this interaction we show an image of God that is true to his word, planting seeds of love that can be harvested for the kingdom. We want to influence the socio-economic issues that many face, with God’s grace and love. It is said that everywhere Jesus went he did good, and as much as he preached and taught the people, he fed and healed them as well. We want to meet the practical needs of people to provide that supernatural conduit to God. We intend to identify, plan and execute this outreach.

Voice and Action

Voice and Action is a segment of AM PaImer Ministries dedicated to a clear Articulation (Voice), and Demonstration (Action) of God’s Word. Voice and Action will be a monthly call to all Saints to help give voice to what God is saying and pray for the demonstration to be manifested. We believe we are in a season where God’s word needs to be clearly voiced and demonstrated. We will see the influencing of the cultures of our world and the igniting of generations to action. We further believe God will begin to work heavily in the prophetic to unravel those things we are unclear about in this unique time. We will begin our monthly broadcast in January 2021, declaring what God has to say. This monthly platform will not only help many to experience the prophetic and intercessory ministry, but it will serve as a platform to begin to build relationships with believers and non-believers.

Voice and Action

 AM Palmer Ministries (AMP) is a non-profit ministry whose mission is to influence cultures and ignite generations to action. This venture will branch beyond the walls of the church to provide care and spiritual oversight to the local church, community and beyond
AM Palmer

Testimonials of how the man of God helped the Associate Pastors of Evergreen Baptist Church. NYC

Joseph A. Campbell, ASSOCIATE PASTOR.  Karen Campbell, ASSOCIATE PASTOR