Rev. Andre Palmer

Andre M Palmer was born on the island of Jamaica in the West Indies and migrated to the United States in 1981 at the age of 13.  He lived in the borough of Queens, New York where the association with the family of Pastor Arnaldo Campbell would play an important role in his spiritual nurture and development.  He attended Springfield Gardens High School and while there, was introduced to Hi BA a high school “Bornagainers” Club.  Through Hi BA and the influence of Rod Burnette, the group’s leader, he learned how to share his faith and to navigate the perils of high school.  At age 16, he surrendered his heart to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.  His introduction to the teaching and fellowship at Evergreen Baptist Church, provided a place of spiritual formation and where his foundation in Christ was developed and solidified.

Upon graduation from high school, Andre attended Baruch College obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.  During his college years, he served with the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, a college group that helps to encourage believers and evangelize college campuses nationwide.  Intervarsity gave him the opportunity to travel on three mission trips: two to Alaska and one to South Africa.  These trips were instrumental in radically expanding his theological world view.  He gives credit to the experience gained from the trip to South Africa in shaping the man he is today, and it also expanded his view of who God is and what God can accomplish.

After graduation from college, he married Sheryl Montague whom he met at Evergreen.  They have been married for 27 years and are the proud parents of two wonderful children, Michala age 22 and Caleb age 19.  Not long after getting married, Andre’s life journey took him away from Evergreen for 18 years.  God used this time in his life to mature and prepare him for ministry.  He served at the Elim International Fellowship as a Deacon helping to nurture young believers to maturity, and at The House of Judah where he served as an Elder.  His journey has revolved full circle as the Lord brought him back to Evergreen first as the Youth Minister / Associate Pastor, then subsequently Senior Pastor.

Andre’s professional career was spent in the financial industry where he worked for 17 years before finally surrendering to God’s call to enter the ministry.  He currently holds a Master of Divinity degree from the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, with future plans of obtaining his Doctorate.  He currently serves as the senior pastor of Evergreen Baptist Church; he is a board member of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.